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Workshop Descriptions ($10 off with student ID)

Yin Yoga + Tea (Angela) | $15: We will find rest and relaxation through yin yoga and close with a tea circle. In our modern, fast-paced world, it’s crucial that we take time to recharge and rejuvenate through restorative practices and stillness, and also through uplifting social exchanges with like-minded souls. This class will provide just that. Come find yourself again, and leave renewed. *No prior yoga experience necessary.

Neurographics (Kirstein) | $20: Neurographics is a creative art technique that helps reduce stress and process emotions through drawing. By using simple lines and shapes, participants engage both the mind and body, allowing them to transform inner thoughts into visual form. It's a relaxing and insightful way to access your subconscious and promote emotional clarity.

Sound Bath (Jamie) | $18: Enjoy a deeply relaxing immersive sound experience on the second Friday of the summer months. Jamie will utilize crystal singing bowls, ocean drum, and more to create a soothing sound bath and meditative experience.

Pay-as-you-please Yoga with Mindful Heart Wellness: (donations accepted and will be donated to RAHAB ministries in Akron) *No prior yoga experience necessary.

Full Moon Gathering (Jamie) | $22: Consider coming together to open up, be witnessed, and be supported. This will be a safe space to lean in and nourish ourselves. Enjoy an evening of dropping into self with restorative yoga poses, meditation, journal prompts, sharing our heart’s whispers, and letting go to move forward. Often, we come together for ourselves, but we leave with a greater connection to the whole

Self-Care Sundays (Stephanie) | $10: In this wellness workshop, you will receive education and support as you embark on this journey of self-discovery related to making changes happen and self-care. June Topic—Getting rid of that baggage + Moving on; This class will utilize a variety of writing, movement, and relaxation techniques to start the journey of moving past terrible experiences.

Readings in the Salt Cave (Niara/Kirstein) | Pay-as-you-please: During these offerings, Niara and Kirstein will utilize different ways of communicating messages to participants, including intuitive, soul, tarot, oracle, and pendulum readings.

Reiki + Halotherapy Combo (O’Livia + Deanna) | $45: This healing experience combines Reiki and Halotherapy. Reiki is a gentle energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and balance, while Halotherapy involves breathing in salt-infused air to improve respiratory health and skin conditions. Together, they create a powerful session for mind, body, and spirit rejuvenation

Restorative + Reiki Combo (O’Livia + Patty) | $35: Restorative Yoga uses gentle, supported poses to release tension, while Reiki provides soothing energy healing to promote balance and inner calm. Together, they create a harmonious space for total mind and body rejuvenation.