Tarot Readings + Energy Work with Kirstein

30-45 min. | heart dollars (donation-based)

Kirstein’s services are only offered on certain dates. Join us on 1/5/25 + 1/25/25 10am-3pm for her next pop-up!

Shamanic Energy Work

In each session, Kirstein will read an Open the Circle Meditation to both open a Sacred Circle to work within and relax the client. As the client rests comfortably, she will work within the aura (Rainbow Body), chakras (7 Mystical Energy Centers), and meridians (Rivers of Light) as directed by her guides, both clearing and filling the energy body. During these appointments, Kirstein can also, reset the nervous system from being locked into Fight or Flight, extract any negative energy/entity found, or create the Five Bands of Power for protection. These appointments can last anywhere from 30-45 minutes depending on the work her guides lead her to do.

Shamanic Principles to Note:

A shaman does not treat illness, they clear the energetic imprints, then illuminate the field helping the body to create an environment for healing and health. A shaman can upgrade the light field, thus helping the body to heal itself. For example, nerve bundles and endocrine glands meet at the chakras, bringing the nervous system and hormones into balance. When locked into Fight or Flight, the energetic body freezes and thus creates an environment for illness. Therefore keeping the chakras balanced becomes fundamental to creating an environment for healing and health.

Payment, as advised by Kirstein’s spirit guides, is in Heart Dollars. After a session is completed, the client is asked to tap into their heart, and then feel into both what they can afford and the amount the work was worth to them.

Narrative Soul Tarot Readings

In a soul reading, Kirstein uses a tarot deck that she created. The cards are asked for a message from the client’s Soul or Higher Self. The question can be general or specific. The cards are asked what soul lesson the client should be working on, with additional cards pulled for the blind spot or shadow element of this soul lesson, along with how the client can work toward their Highest Good for this soul lesson. Additional cards will be pulled for further clarification if needed. Last, an Oracle card will be pulled for a special message. 

Payment, as advised by Kirstein’s spirit guides, is in Heart Dollars. After a reading is completed, the client is asked to tap into their heart, and then feel into both what they can afford and the amount the information gained was worth to them.

To learn more about Kirstein, click here.