Beyond Breakthroughs: Trauma Recovery

Trauma is suffocating. It can feel inescapable, as you are repeatedly and unexpectedly thrown back into the traumatic experience, after the smallest and sometimes undetectable triggers. You often feel trapped in the past as you painfully struggle to be in the here and now. The consequences are significant. Traumatic experiences can linger on and negatively impact your personal relationships, your work performance and productivity, your physical and emotional health, your finances, and more. 

While traditional talk therapy is very helpful for identifying and processing trauma and modifying thought patterns and behaviors, it has its limitations. Top-down therapies are not always appropriate as a stand-alone intervention for treating trauma in many individuals. Trauma can reside in and become stored in the body. Although the traumatized person will feel emotional and psychological distress when triggered, the response will likely manifest as a visceral reaction. This demonstrates the importance of and a need for a holistic approach when healing trauma.

It’s no secret that big pharma-drug companies are disproportionately profitable. This sadly results in fewer published research studies into non-drug treatments and most that are researched and published are dubbed “alternative.” The irony is, that some of the most effective “alternative” interventions for treating trauma are non-drug treatments such as Yoga, Brain Wave training, and Meditation, all of which utilize the mind and body’s natural resources and innate ability to heal.

O’Livia shares: “I was there before; I get it. I was raised in extreme poverty by parents who developed addictions. I witnessed domestic violence, experienced sexual abuse and neglect, missed meals, and homelessness. I spent most of my 20s in traditional talk therapy and tried multiple medications. I thought that I was always going to feel “broken.” That was until I discovered the power of the unconscious mind, somatic work, and energy work. I decided to utilize my personal healing journey experiences and education to develop a holistic framework for providing relief after trauma. Now, I want to help others to do the same. With a decade of experience in the behavioral health field, advanced degrees in Psychology, and being a survivor of multiple forms of childhood trauma, I have the appropriate skill set to help people discover the trauma warrior that they are!”

O’Livia is a trauma survivor warrior herself and has over a decade of professional experience in the field of behavior and mental health. She is a Holistic + Integrative Behavior Specialist and is trained and certified as a Practitioner in Yoga, Somatic Work, EFT, Mindfulness + Meditation, Health Coaching, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Emotion Code, and Reiki

She has earned her Master of Science in Psychology with a specialization in Applied Behavior Analysis. Throughout her college career, she has taken additional multiculturalism coursework, focusing on intersectionality. She earned an undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in Disability Studies and Community Inclusion. 

As a Holistic Behavior Specialist, O’Livia is equipped with the skills necessary to guide and teach you how to take back your life by cultivating internal control of your thoughts and feelings, identifying root causes, changing unwanted habits, and shifting your mindset. 

To learn more about her program and to see if this work is a good fit for you, follow the link:


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